What is TMJ?

TMJ is an abbreviation for the Temporomandibular Joint. TMD is an abbreviation for Temporomandibular Disorder, which affects more than 10 million people in the United States. It may cause clicking, catching, locking, and/or pain in the jaw and ear region. Since it’s composed of muscles, a joint, and a disc, a physical therapist is already in familiar territory to treat this troublesome diagnosis. TMJ is also often accompanied by headaches or migraines, shoulder or neck pain, tinnitus, decreased range of motion in the neck and upper back, and eye pain.

How can a physical therapist help?

A physical therapist can use hands-on “manual” techniques to help relax the tight, sore muscles contributing to TMD. Dry needling is also an option to directly release muscle knots within the muscles of the jaw. A PT will also provide education on neck positioning, perform spinal mobilization or manipulation, and improve how the entire upper body works together to make life a little easier on your jaw. At the end of the day, that means biting into big apples or a tall sandwich without pain or fear of locking and catching!


How do I prepare for my first therapy visit with Lyon Physical Therapy?

Make sure to think through what activities make your pain worse. It’s also helpful to know if there is anything that improves your discomfort, such as taking over the counter pain relievers or using heat or ice. Before you have your evaluation, we will send over intake paperwork so we can get a gauge on how your pain limits you.


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